Few Steps To Detangle Your HD Lace Wigs
It’s the top of an extended day. You’ve got began your HD lace wig and have placed it carefully on your wig stand to store for the night. Then, you see it: a drag. Not just any tangle. This might be the world’s biggest tangle. You frantically grab your styling products and comb and obtain to figure. Let’s rewind. Are there ways to fight confusion from the beginning? Like real hair, wigs can experience tangles. In fact, wigs can sometimes be more likely to tangle thanks to the shortage of natural oils on your scalp that natural hair has. These oils work sort of a natural conditioner that defends against tangles and knots. Of course, it’s not secure, as anyone can confirm, but those oils help. Your wigs don’t have these oils, in order that they need your help to remain tangle-free.
Things You Will Need:
- A wig head or stand.
- Wide teeth comb.
- Wig brush – don’t brush your wig with a traditional brush! Get a selected WIG brush.
- Wig Detangle Spray. If you can’t get wig detangles spray, you can do it with a hair conditioner and clean water.
- Some conditioner.
- Flat iron – If the hair on your wig is straight, you’ll use it for a fast fix.
Here Are Some Steps to Detangle HD Lace Wigs
1. Put your HD lace wig on your wig head or stand and separate your hair into manageable sections.
2. Spray detangles everywhere the wig. Use a detangling spray or conditioning product which will help reduce hair tangles. It is often within the sort of a leave-in conditioner that you simply can apply to the part where most tangles occur.
3. Detangle together with your finger first, separate it into a smaller section. Beginning from the straightforward parts which are sides, then tackled the rear. Avoid loss of hair strands.
4. Gently comb your hair with a wide tooth comb. Starting at the ends and then move up toward the highest.
5. Repeat these multiple times, continue spraying and brushing or brushing, use a brush to further smoothen it out until the fiber tangle-free.
6. Wash and deep condition the wig. Rinse with cold or cool water. Coldwater helps to close the cuticle, which not only shines in the hair but also prevents many kinds of hair tangles. Avoid rubbing your hair with a towel. After taking a shower, people usually dry their hair by rubbing it with a towel. But this will only cause more tangling. The higher thanks to dry your hair are to blot it gently with a towel.
7. Use the cool air set of hair blower, not hot air. Or let the hair air dry.
8. You’ll comb your wig hair and use styling tools and curlers if you would like.
9. Use high-quality hair irons. Hair irons are great for giving your wig a straightened look that’s free from frizz and fly-away. Wigs that are smooth and sleek are a smaller amount susceptible to tangles.
10. Untangle your knotted hair immediately. Don’t wait until tomorrow or next week to do something about the things that are confusing your hair.