How To Find The Problems In Your Relationship
How to improve your relationship with simply finding the mistake in you and stop blaming your partner for every problem in your relationship?
In close connection with this is the need to start an introspection – observing yourself – how much you are willing to compromise? Because they are the foundation of a healthy relationship, and they are so easily forgotten. If you want to know more about us come visit us at anytime or contact us when you have a chance.
If you have been insisting that everything should be your way, without even questioning whether you are right or wrong, then it’s no wonder that your relationship is in crisis. No one is obliged to endure it, and especially without resistance, and agree with the conditions that you set – “it will be like I want to, or there will be no other way”. Such a childish and immature behavior that unfortunately is very common among young people.
A crisis that seems to be fluttering just like nothing, caused by something really stupid, may be the consequence of your persistent and unconscious needs to change your partner. Research shows that this is a very dangerous field of action.
People destroy their relationships and themselves, trying to change the person they like to “compact” into their imaginary perfect little “box”. – What is virtually impossible to change are character traits and personality traits. If the person you are dealing with is short-eyed, impatient, imprisoned, unwilling to try something new, if he does not generally like to go out or move in a larger society, it’s unlikely that you will be able to change something.
What do you do when something in love is not according to your will. Be silent and go to your room where you can be on your own during whole day in silence? If your answer is yes, then you have the answer to the question why your relationship is in crisis. – Most of the problems can be overcome by a constructive debate, because it means that both parties have said what is pissing them off. If debate does not exist, because one partner does not want to say what is bothering them, the dissatisfaction will only accumulate. Perhaps the other person thinks that by silence and refusal to talk, they will get a revenge and punish the other side, but such a cold weapon does not solve the problem, and it is only a question of time when the problem will arise on the surface again with a huge risk of a break up.
As you can see, communication is very important in one relationship, without it, nothing can be achieved. It is important to respect each other and communicate regularly saying everything that bothers you, making sure you work on finding a solution to the problem.