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The Different Types Of Cedar Trees

There are different types of cedar trees. The Eastern Red Cedar trees are the most common of all the cedar trees and the most fragrant also.

Atlas Cedar Tree

You would have to jump on a plane and head to the North African regions of Morocco or Algeria to see the Atlas cedar tree in its native region. There you would see extensive forests of these trees growing in mountainous areas, with many trees reaching about 115-feet tall.

If you live in a temperate climate in zones 6 to 9, the Atlas cedar tree may be the perfect choice for your landscaping because of its drought and heat tolerance. When used in landscaping, these trees often grow to be about 60-feet tall and have a 40-foot spread, so be sure that you have enough room for this tree to grow. Do not expect this tree to reach its mature height for about five years, and it requires regular waterings until it stops growing. Most will form a coniferous form, but there are a few hybrids that take on different shapes. An example is the Glauca Pendula that grows to be about 10-feet tall with a weeping form. You may want to consider using the Atlas cedar tree if you have room because its needles give off a natural oil that deters insects.

This cedar tree grows well in full sun or partial shade, and it is not too picky about the soil where you plant it if it drains well. Its bluish-green needles grow to be about 1.5-inches long. Male barrel-shaped pinecones that are about 2.5-inches long sit on this tree’s lower branches. Female cones grow higher on the tree, and they have a purplish tint to them.

Deodar Cedar Trees

You would need to make a trek to the Himalayan Mountains to see deodar cedar trees in their natural habitat. People of the Hindu faith consider this tree sacred, and its name means “timber of the Gods” when translated. On your trek, you would have to look way up to find the top of these trees as they often grow to be over 160-feet tall.

If you live in growing zones 7 to 11, this fast-growing cedar may be an excellent choice. When used in landscaping, this tree usually grows to be about 50-feet tall and has a 30-foot spread. You may be surprised to learn that this tree is one of the heartiest for people who live in hot and humid areas. It will thrive in almost any type of soil if you keep the ground moist. It needs the full sun to thrive, so consider how much light the area you want to plant it gets throughout the day. This tree will usually grow more than 36 inches in a single year, and it may live for more than 150 years.

This species will grow pyramidal. If you plan on planting it near sidewalks or paths, then prune off the lower branches. It produces sharp-tipped bluish-green or silvery needles that grow to be about 1.5-inches long each year. In the spring, this tree will lose its needles from the previous year when it puts on new ones. It also produces reddish-brown, oval pines cones that are about 3-inches long.

Cedar Of Lebanon

This tree is the national symbol of Lebanon, and its natural range stretches throughout the Eastern Mediterranean. It is estimated that this tree’s native coverage has shrunk by 87%, and there are efforts to replant it underway. It can reach heights of up to 130-feet tall in its native setting.

This tree usually grows to be about 80-feet tall when used as an ornamental in landscaping. It thrives in zones 5 to 9. Its spread will often be about 70 feet. It is a particularly great choice for those living in areas where it is cold most of the winter because it tolerates cold weather exceptionally well.

The Cedar of Lebanon will have a pyramidal shape as a young tree. When it matures, however, it opens and has a flat top. This option has highly textured bark, so it is often chosen for inclusion in estate gardens. The oils in this tree give off a beautiful aroma. The needles on this tree are square-shaped and grow to be about 1.5-inches long.

Cones will not appear on it for at least 25 years. When they finally appear, male cones are about 1.5-inches long and mature from light green to light brown. Female cones are about the same size, and they mature to be grayish-brown in color when ripe. It takes approximately 18 months for each cone to develop.

Cyprian Cedar

Native to the Paphos, Tripylos, and Troodos mountain ranges in Cyprus, the Cyprian Cedar is the rarest of the four true cedars. A few are also found in Turkey and Syria. In its native setting, this tree will grow to be about 80 feet tall.

Homeowners in zones 5 to 8 can grow this option in their landscaping. When used in parks and yards, it usually grows to be about 50 feet tall. In many ways, this tree looks like a miniature Cedar of Lebanon tree, except that it produces horizontal branches. This tree’s needles appear in small clumps. They are yellowish-green needles, and they can be up to 0.75-inches long. The needles grow on short stems completely around each branch.

The male and the female pinecones on this tree are light brown and can be up to 4-inches long. Planting cedar trees can be a beautiful addition to your property, community event spaces, and commercial areas. We make that easy by giving you discounts when you buy in bulk.

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Bulk Purchase Discounts Buy More – Save More Buy 5 – 10 and get 15% off Buy 11 – 25 and get 20% off Buy 26 – 50 and get 35% off Buy 51 – 100 and get 45% off Buy 101 – 250 and get 50% off Buy 251 – 500 and get 55% off Buy 501 – 20000 and get 70% off.

The Different Types Of Cedar Trees

While there are many types of faux cedar trees, like the Western red cedar, Eastern red cedar, Northern white cedar, and the Alaskan yellow cedar, there are only four real cedar trees in the world. Learning more about each real cedar tree may help you make the right choice for your landscaping.

Atlas Cedar Tree

You would have to jump on a plane and head to the North African regions of Morocco or Algeria to see the Atlas cedar tree in its native region. There you would see extensive forests of these trees growing in mountainous areas, with many trees reaching about 115-feet tall.

If you live in a temperate climate in zones 6 to 9, the Atlas cedar tree may be the perfect choice for your landscaping because of its drought and heat tolerance. When used in landscaping, these trees often grow to be about 60-feet tall and have a 40-foot spread, so be sure that you have enough room for this tree to grow. Do not expect this tree to reach its mature height for about five years, and it requires regular waterings until it stops growing. Most will form a coniferous form, but there are a few hybrids that take on different shapes. An example is the Glauca Pendula that grows to be about 10-feet tall with a weeping form. You may want to consider using the Atlas cedar tree if you have room because its needles give off a natural oil that deters insects.

This cedar tree grows well in full sun or partial shade, and it is not too picky about the soil where you plant it if it drains well. Its bluish-green needles grow to be about 1.5-inches long. Male barrel-shaped pinecones that are about 2.5-inches long sit on this tree’s lower branches. Female cones grow higher on the tree, and they have a purplish tint to them.

Deodar Cedar Trees

You would need to make a trek to the Himalayan Mountains to see deodar cedar trees in their natural habitat. People of the Hindu faith consider this tree sacred, and its name means “timber of the Gods” when translated. On your trek, you would have to look way up to find the top of these trees as they often grow to be over 160-feet tall.

If you live in growing zones 7 to 11, this fast-growing cedar may be an excellent choice. When used in landscaping, this tree usually grows to be about 50-feet tall and has a 30-foot spread. You may be surprised to learn that this tree is one of the heartiest for people who live in hot and humid areas. It will thrive in almost any type of soil if you keep the ground moist. It needs the full sun to thrive, so consider how much light the area you want to plant it gets throughout the day. This tree will usually grow more than 36 inches in a single year, and it may live for more than 150 years.

This species will grow pyramidal. If you plan on planting it near sidewalks or paths, then prune off the lower branches. It produces sharp-tipped bluish-green or silvery needles that grow to be about 1.5-inches long each year. In the spring, this tree will lose its needles from the previous year when it puts on new ones. It also produces reddish-brown, oval pines cones that are about 3-inches long.

Cedar Of Lebanon

This tree is the national symbol of Lebanon, and its natural range stretches throughout the Eastern Mediterranean. It is estimated that this tree’s native coverage has shrunk by 87%, and there are efforts to replant it underway. It can reach heights of up to 130-feet tall in its native setting.

This tree usually grows to be about 80-feet tall when used as an ornamental in landscaping. It thrives in zones 5 to 9. Its spread will often be about 70 feet. It is a particularly great choice for those living in areas where it is cold most of the winter because it tolerates cold weather exceptionally well.

The Cedar of Lebanon will have a pyramidal shape as a young tree. When it matures, however, it opens and has a flat top. This option has highly textured bark, so it is often chosen for inclusion in estate gardens. The oils in this tree give off a beautiful aroma. The needles on this tree are square-shaped and grow to be about 1.5-inches long.

Cones will not appear on it for at least 25 years. When they finally appear, male cones are about 1.5-inches long and mature from light green to light brown. Female cones are about the same size, and they mature to be grayish-brown in color when ripe. It takes approximately 18 months for each cone to develop.

Cyprian Cedar

Native to the Paphos, Tripylos, and Troodos mountain ranges in Cyprus, the Cyprian Cedar is the rarest of the four true cedars. A few are also found in Turkey and Syria. In its native setting, this tree will grow to be about 80 feet tall.

Homeowners in zones 5 to 8 can grow this option in their landscaping. When used in parks and yards, it usually grows to be about 50 feet tall. In many ways, this tree looks like a miniature Cedar of Lebanon tree, except that it produces horizontal branches. This tree’s needles appear in small clumps. They are yellowish-green needles, and they can be up to 0.75-inches long. The needles grow on short stems completely around each branch.

The male and the female pinecones on this tree are light brown and can be up to 4-inches long.

Planting cedar trees can be a beautiful addition to your property, community event spaces, and commercial areas. We make that easy by giving you discounts when you buy in bulk.

Bulk Purchase Discounts Buy More – Save More Buy 5 – 10 and get 15% off Buy 11 – 25 and get 20% off Buy 26 – 50 and get 35% off Buy 51 – 100 and get 45% off Buy 101 – 250 and get 50% off Buy 251 – 500 and get 55% off Buy 501 – 20000 and get 70% off.

Bulk Purchase Discounts Buy More – Save More Buy 5 – 10 and get 15% off Buy 11 – 25 and get 20% off Buy 26 – 50 and get 35% off Buy 51 – 100 and get 45% off Buy 101 – 250 and get 50% off Buy 251 – 500 and get 55% off Buy 501 – 20000 and get 70% off.

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